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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exclusive Interview: Junior's Cave - July 17, 2010

Last week I received a surprising email from Isaac Davis Jr (aka Junior) who runs "Junior's Cave Webzine" requesting to do an interview with yours truly.

It is a pleasure when the universe sends you wonderful gifts. Thank you Isaac for reaching out. Below is the beginning of the interview, I hope you all enjoy.

"One of the most exciting aspects about this next young rising actor is his dynamic portrayals of the characters he plays in films, television, and theater. Dylan Ramsey is never afraid to tackle roles that some would be afraid to try and this is what makes him an excellent actor. His dedication to his craft and his passion to create everlasting performances are two of the main reasons why Dylan will go far in the entertainment business. In this spotlight with the actor, our Webzine discovers the magic of Dylan Ramsey..." read more

If Webzine link doesn't work, please use: PDF Version

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