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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exclusive Interview: Junior's Cave - July 17, 2010

Last week I received a surprising email from Isaac Davis Jr (aka Junior) who runs "Junior's Cave Webzine" requesting to do an interview with yours truly.

It is a pleasure when the universe sends you wonderful gifts. Thank you Isaac for reaching out. Below is the beginning of the interview, I hope you all enjoy.

"One of the most exciting aspects about this next young rising actor is his dynamic portrayals of the characters he plays in films, television, and theater. Dylan Ramsey is never afraid to tackle roles that some would be afraid to try and this is what makes him an excellent actor. His dedication to his craft and his passion to create everlasting performances are two of the main reasons why Dylan will go far in the entertainment business. In this spotlight with the actor, our Webzine discovers the magic of Dylan Ramsey..." read more

If Webzine link doesn't work, please use: PDF Version

Friday, July 2, 2010

Campus Circle Review : The Beautiful Ones

“The Beautiful Ones”: Now-July 31 @ Village Theater
By Stephanie Forshee

Berda Gilmore and Dylan Ramsey heat it up in Tory Scroggins’ “The Beautiful Ones.”
(Credit: Henning Fischer)

“The Beautiful Ones” messes with your mind and leave you wanting more. Its twisted plot is indisputably thought provoking. So much so, that you leave the theater filled with questions and double-checking if you truly understood what just happened.

In “The Beautiful Ones,” a love triangle’s reunion goes awry. Travis (Tory Scroggins) and Lola (Berda Gilmore) are tangled in a perverse relationship. Travis’ ex-friend and Lola’s former lover, Avi (Dylan Ramsey), returns to their lives after a pact he made with Travis 10 years ago.

Due to the play’s short length, it’s difficult to describe the plot too fully without including any spoilers, so I will refrain from giving away the juiciest details.

Scroggins is lovable yet mysterious and bloodcurdling as Travis. After all, no one knows the role better than him. This marks Scroggins’ playwright and directorial debut. He also serves as producer.

The script itself is creative and unsettling. It is an extremely sexual show with three beautiful actors.

With less than a 40-minute running time, the unexpected brevity makes it all the more suspenseful.

Gilmore’s performance as Lola is powerfully sexy. While her character is slightly disturbing, she’s sure to capture your attention and hold it tightly.

Ramsey’s performance is enjoyable as well. His mystique and appeal are laid on thick with his puzzling character.

To seal the deal, the theater offers a home-style buffet dinner one hour prior to curtain.

Prepare for an intimate family picnic-type of evening that proves refreshing for a night at the theater these days.

The Village Theater at the Lucy Florence Cultural Center is located at 3351 W. 43 St., Los Angeles. For more information, visit

Article posted on 6/30/2010

Original Article Here