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Sunday, June 26, 2011

SWAMP SHARK : Highly Recommended to SyFy Fans

Swamp Shark debuted to rave reviews on SyFy on Saturday June 25th at 8pm.

Horror Society reviews the film:

"One of the qualities that puts Swamp Shark above the majority of the other SyFy films is the actors ability to actually act! All of the main and supporting cast are great, and even the little bit parts are better than most of the cannon fodder we’ve seen on SyFy. Kristy Swanson is still amazing, years after Buffy The Vampire Slayer. D.B. Sweeny has been acting for a solid 26 years, and there’s obvious reasons why. Robert Davi is an award winning actor. Even new-comer Richard Tanne does a wonderful job. Usually the cast in SyFy films are really cheesy, really stale, or really forgetful. It was refreshing to see a cast who knew how to convey emotion and show more than one facial expression. Will any of them win any awards for their role in Swamp Shark? No, but when compared to Mountain of The Sasquatch or Mega Shark, I mean… Come on."

For the rest of the review, click here to read on...